
Love as a Customer Retention Strategy

Love as a Customer Retention Strategy

She was over-the-top friendly. Her eye hugs made you feel you were in the presence of a forever friend. As she rang up my purchase at the checkout counter of the well-known department store, she commented on my cowboy boots. “You’re either from Texas or you got a heap...

The Leader’s Guide to Valentines

The Leader’s Guide to Valentines

I bet you think this is going to be a blog about praising and affirming your employees. Valentines are obviously those colorful cards with sweet “be my valentine” sayings and pink graphics. We all like getting them, even if it makes us feel a bit silly. But the...

Customers Want “the Second Shot!”

Customers Want “the Second Shot!”

I was fortunate enough yesterday to get my second COVID-19 vaccine. It was a giant relief, one that more than compensated for twenty-four hours of arm soreness. It was the peace of mind that, despite vaccine shortage or administrative challenges, I am now protected—at...

Do You Have a Customer Trim?

Do You Have a Customer Trim?

. It takes knowing the customer well enough to anticipate issues; it requires trusting the customer; and it takes caring enough to have solutions ready to ensure smooth sailing.

The Moral of the Donkey in the Well

The Moral of the Donkey in the Well

There is an antique story about an old donkey who fell in the farmer’s abandoned well.  Crying out, the donkey alerted the farmer who summoned his nearby neighbors to help him get the donkey out of the deep well. Their efforts proved totally fruitless. So, the...

Leader, Full of Grace

Leader, Full of Grace

Leaders with grace lead with deep confidence. The leader with grace can release the finest from employees ensuring the perseverance of their brand.

The Season of Customer Imagination

The Season of Customer Imagination

Trust is like a leaf’s chemical message to a customer’s imagination. It changes their resistance to hold onto the cocoon of safety and willingly release it to fall onto the playground of innovation.

Happy Veterans (and Private E-Nothings) Day

Happy Veterans (and Private E-Nothings) Day

Customer service has its veterans, those highly experienced service pros who know the tricks of the trade and have seen it all. But there are also newbies who are prone to take personally the tirade of an unhappy customer.

The Power of a Naked Leader

The Power of a Naked Leader

I recently did a Zoom interview with the CEO of a high-tech company who directly or indirectly reminded me several times during our thirty-minute interview that he was the CEO.  It reminded me of a doctor whom you have never met coming into your hospital room...

Voting Fuels Freedom

Voting Fuels Freedom

Voting is the mechanism that fuels our freedom. Regardless of your party affiliation, don’t sacrifice your freedom by failing vote.

Is Your Customer Experience Beautiful?

Is Your Customer Experience Beautiful?

Check out the photo of this bearded iris in my side yard. Poet John Keats reminded us that “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” I have a friend who grew up in the U.K. His two favorite superlatives are “beautiful” and “brilliant.” And, his labels have little to do...