How to Spot a Great Mentor

How to Spot a Great Mentor

So, you are looking for a mentor! They come in many shapes, sizes and varieties. But, the best mentors have a few common characteristics. Doing your homework with the following mentor shopping list in mind can be the difference between getting stuck with an...
The Innovative Service Rules for Shopper Frenzy

The Innovative Service Rules for Shopper Frenzy

On Friday, we entered the annual period of shopping frenzy we paint the color “black.” According to Wikipedia, the name of the day started in Philadelphia in the early 60’s and was chosen to characterize the traffic—both vehicle and pedestrian—that crowded the streets...
The Problem with Drive by Mentoring

The Problem with Drive by Mentoring

I grew up on a farm. One of my chores in junior and senior high was milking a cow early morning and late afternoon. It was our family’s source for milk, butter and cheese. Cow milking today involves machines and computers. Cow milking—the old fashioned way—involved an...
The Perils of Corporate Lying

The Perils of Corporate Lying

It was not Pinocchio who was my childhood lesson on lying; it was Aesop’s fable about the little boy who cried “wolf.” My grandfather was a master storyteller, always jazzing up stories. His version went more like this: Long time ago in a sheep village on the other...