Today’s Customers Want a Barefooted Cowboy

Today’s Customers Want a Barefooted Cowboy

Yes, that photo is really me at eight years old with my younger cousin, Rick Bell. Rick was from Savannah and would come to visit me for a week at my rural home almost every summer. We pretty much lived in the woods and didn’t even turn “cowboys” off...
‘Twas the Night After Christmas

‘Twas the Night After Christmas

What do the days after a winter holiday extravaganza look like? They look like lots of wrapping paper trash. It looks like ornaments waiting to be taken down and packed, decorations to be hauled off, mismatched presents to be returned, a diet to be started, and carols...
The Fall of Summer

The Fall of Summer

Fall leaves are a lot like customers.  They typically don’t depart simply due to the lure of a competitor like gravity invites a leaf to the ground.  They are pushed out by the negative force of poor service or indifferent service.   All my life I...
Serving Over Your Head

Serving Over Your Head

We have a lot of funny lines about exalted stations.  Someone “marries above their class,” makes decisions “above their pay grade,” and plays a sport “over their head.” The concept is about stretching beyond the norm, outside...