These Boots Are Made for Talking

These Boots Are Made for Talking

I am a Lucchese boot man.  I have been wearing Lucchese’s high-end, super comfortable Western boots handmade in El Paso for many years.  And, I am on my fifth pair—all with a tailored toe, heel, leather, size and color.  They are like working in bedroom...
Comcast Customer Experience Reinvented!

Comcast Customer Experience Reinvented!

I have seen the future and it is Comcast.  No, really!  Comcast is staging one of the biggest brand renaissance comebacks ever.  I predict it will be right up there with Apple, GM, Marvel, and Lego.  Personally, I would add my favorite, Delta...
Are You Your Customer’s Tickler System?

Are You Your Customer’s Tickler System?

My passport expired. It expired four days before I was to fly to Toronto for a keynote.   But, that’s not the bad news. The “omagod” side is I did not discover my oversight until the day before my flight.   The good news is I was able to contact a pricey...
The Magic of Willowy Customer Service

The Magic of Willowy Customer Service

The straight-line winds came through the area at 60 miles per hour. Giant pines, maples and pin oaks came crashing to the ground. But, all the tall willow trees remained standing. It was my neighbor’s nearby property in the mountains of North Georgia. Our property...
A New Model to Explain Remote Leadership

A New Model to Explain Remote Leadership

Guest post, by Kevin Eikenberry Most people will agree that leading people from a distance (also known as remote leadership) feels very different from the way we’ve always worked in the past. It’s easy to point to factors like a lack of eye contact, or the inability...
Majoring in the Minors

Majoring in the Minors

The Pareto principle has always been an amazing truism for me. You may know it as the 80/20 rule. It is broadly applied. Eighty percent of the profits come from twenty percent of your customers. Eighty percent of the fleas come from twenty percent of the dogs. I...