You Are Known by Your Works

You Are Known by Your Works

Many years ago, I worked for the president of a bank famous for aggressive bank acquisitions and rapid growth in the financial services space.  The bank ultimately became the Bank of America and the president became the B of A CEO. Hugh McColl was famous for his...
Clear the Customer Experience Parking Lot

Clear the Customer Experience Parking Lot

Parking lot.  We use it in the meeting management world to mean an agenda item that is tabled for later discussion.  It is generally posted on a sheet of flip chart paper, taped on the meeting wall, and then placed on the agenda of the next meeting so it is...
Celebrating Bridge-Builders

Celebrating Bridge-Builders

A crowded Montgomery, Alabama city bus stopped at its usual spot and a middle-aged African-American woman boarded the bus.  As the bus pulled away, she realized every seat was taken and was prepared to take the trip on her feet.  But, something changed that...
Delivering Service That Soars

Delivering Service That Soars

Over the holidays my wife and I visited the U.S.S. Intrepid, an aircraft carrier docked in the Manhattan harbor.  The museum on the deck of the ship houses the space shuttle, Enterprise. Nearby is a tribute to Charles F. Bolden, Jr. who served as NASA...
Serving on the Muddy Side of the Field

Serving on the Muddy Side of the Field

It had been raining for days…hard at times.  The soccer fields were saturated.  But, a day of laser sunlight made a soccer game possible.  One side of the field was relatively dry; the other had a few mud holes in low places…like right in front of the...