by wiadmin | Jun 11, 2013 | Leadership
An eagle got the neighbors talking. My backyard fronts a large lake with a cove wrapping around each side of the lot. Peering out the side window early one morning, we spotted a giant American eagle struggling to get out of the shallow water in the cove and up onto...
by wiadmin | Jun 7, 2013 | Leadership
Tom Jones wrote the lyrics to a 1977 disco song performed by John Paul Young. The first few bars of this popular song go: “Love is in the air, everywhere I look around; Love is in the air, every sight and every sound.” Substitute the word, “learning” for “love” and...
by wiadmin | Jun 4, 2013 | Leadership
It was not Pinocchio who was my childhood lesson on lying; it was Aesop’s fable about the little boy who cried “wolf.” My grandfather was a master storyteller, always jazzing up stories. His version went more like this: Long time ago in a sheep village on the other...
by wiadmin | Jun 3, 2013 | Leadership
Archaeologists excavating the pyramids discovered wheat seeds that dated back to around 2500 BC. As in the tradition of antiquity, the seeds were there for the dead pharaoh to eat if he got hungry. The find was important because it would enable scientists to determine...
by wiadmin | May 28, 2013 | Leadership
I was fishing with my granddaddy on a summer afternoon. Like many boys, I was more interested in wading in the water than waiting on a bite. I abandoned my cane pole to go swim. Emerging from the water, I discovered a black leech stuck to my leg. “Don’t pull it off,”...
by wiadmin | May 24, 2013 | Leadership
In 1907, Carnation introduced a new advertising tagline for its condensed milk product: “Milk from Contented Cows.” Growing up on a cattle farm where we produced our own milk, I often heard the ads and wondered what made a cow contented. Cows seemed to already have a...