The Hidden Treasure of Absolute Focus

The Hidden Treasure of Absolute Focus

When I was in infantry officer candidate school at Ft. Benning, Georgia, a part of the training was learning to become a sharpshooter with a rifle. A sharpshooter designation is the highest level of marksmanship a soldier could attain; the sharpshooter badge qualified...
Are You a Disrupter?

Are You a Disrupter?

“If I had asked customers what they wanted,” Henry Ford is rumored to have said, “They would have said faster horses.”  Now, before you fire your market research person, it is important to remember Henry Ford’s arrogance about customers also lead him to chide,...
Celebrating National Bottom Line Week?

Celebrating National Bottom Line Week?

Alright! Now that you know what we’re really celebrating here on the blog for the next two weeks let’s get on with number 10 in our countdown of National Customer Service Week tips. Give ’em Your Best How would you feel if the grand opening of your...
Read Your Customer’s Mind

Read Your Customer’s Mind

It all started at one of those traveling fairs…the ones that set up in the parking lot of a shopping center with a few rides and attractions. She boasted she could guess your age for a dollar. If she got it wrong, you got to pick out a stuffed toy. Here talent...