Is Your Mentoring Daring?

Is Your Mentoring Daring?

The essence of mentoring is to help another person abandon his or her comfortable skill, knowledge or attitude to which that person currently clings in order to embrace new but uncomfortable competences.  That means the job of the mentor is to encourage the target of...
Lessons in Protégé Power: Accepting Gifts Without Guilt

Lessons in Protégé Power: Accepting Gifts Without Guilt

Welcome to the third post in the Protégé Power series. If you missed the first two, you’ll want to catch up by reading this and this. If you’re caught up, let’s continue! When we left off from our last post, Sage was saying to you, the  protégé. . . SAGE: “Let Dale...
Lessons In Protégé Power:  Calming Your Anxious Heart

Lessons In Protégé Power: Calming Your Anxious Heart

Being a protégé can make you feel anxious.  You are essentially admitting you do not know stuff you need someone to help teach you.  And, if that relationship with a mentor is a new one, it can double the apprehension.  Being vulnerable in front of a stranger is not...