Service Decoration: Why my website is purple

Service Decoration: Why my website is purple

My love affair with service aesthetics started when working with a large aerospace company trying to win a humongous government contract to build a new fighter plane for the armed services. The company had done lots of customer intelligence gathering about the...
The Mentor’s Message: Tell a Funny Story

The Mentor’s Message: Tell a Funny Story

Great mentors use effective humor, effectively. Fortunately, mentoring is not dependent on a comedic personality or most of us would be disqualified. But, knowing the construction of humor can sometimes turn a poor joke teller into someone who can bring an added sense...
Mentoring as Summer Camp

Mentoring as Summer Camp

Summer is always the season of summer camp! My nine year old granddaughter, Kaylee, went to her first overnight camp last July…for two weeks and in another state! Before she went, if she talked with her two sisters about summer camp, you could hear the...