Say ‘Thanks’ with Sprinkles This Year!

Say ‘Thanks’ with Sprinkles This Year!

This is the season we find ways to thank customers for their patronage. We might send customers a note, a card, a 2015 calendar, a ‘thank you’ email or a Starbucks card. If the customer habitually gives loyal patronage to other service providers, your expression of...
The Valentine as Customer: Authentic Caring

The Valentine as Customer: Authentic Caring

Rick McIntire called me last week!  He was the really great sales person who sold me a GMC Jimmy SUV in Dallas about twenty years ago…that was at least four Lexus’s and a fire engine red Mazda Miata ago.  Rick knows I changed brand affinity because the GMC dealership...
The Customer as Valentine: Include Everyone

The Customer as Valentine: Include Everyone

Sixth grade is an awkward school year for most boys and girls.  Girls look at boys as so immature and lame; boys look at girls as so confusing and weird.  It was a time of stupid pranks, smutty jokes, and snickers about anything personal or private.  And, one of the...
The Customer as Valentine:  All You Need is Love

The Customer as Valentine: All You Need is Love

The origin of Valentine’s Day is very instructive.  It was initially associated with a religious celebration honoring St. Valentinus, a priest from Rome who was martyred about AD 496.  Two stories (call them myths if you want to be completely accurate) frame the...
The Customer as Valentine:  A Generous Heart

The Customer as Valentine: A Generous Heart

Allowances were not something my dad believed taught kids a strong work ethic.  So, I had to work for all my spending money.  Living in a rural area, there were not a lot of paying chores for kids…except for baby-sitting and lawn mowing.   My sister baby-sat; I mowed...