Lessons In Protégé Power:  Calming Your Anxious Heart

Lessons In Protégé Power: Calming Your Anxious Heart

Being a protégé can make you feel anxious.  You are essentially admitting you do not know stuff you need someone to help teach you.  And, if that relationship with a mentor is a new one, it can double the apprehension.  Being vulnerable in front of a stranger is not...
Mentoring Traps to Avoid

Mentoring Traps to Avoid

There are countless traps along the path of mentordom. Mentoring can be a power trip for those seeking an admirer, a manifestation of greed for those who must have slaves. Mentoring can be a platform for proselytizing a cause or crusade, a strong tale told to an...
Innovative Leaders Leave the Door Open

Innovative Leaders Leave the Door Open

Watership Down is Richard Adams’ best-selling novel about a group of wild rabbits forced to abandon their warren and travel across England in search of a new home. Along their journey they encounter a group of caged rabbits–pets of a young boy. Opening the cage...
Ensuring the Transfer of Learning

Ensuring the Transfer of Learning

There are many advantages to being raised on a farm. You learn a lot about how nature really works. Instead of watching milk come pouring out of a carton, you get to see it come squirting out of a cow. Before high-tech milking machines, milk made its way to your glass...
Are You Creating Protégé Cuttings?

Are You Creating Protégé Cuttings?

Legacy is one of the strongest arguments for effective mentoring.  It leaves behind a remnant of mentor greatness that helps perpetuate wisdom gained through experience.  Legacy is more than pleasant memories or stories retold at special occasions.  Stories are...