What if your customer’s experience was a bird? Would it be more like a crow or a peacock?
Crow-like service can be noisy and unpleasant, like the warp-speed disclaimers we hear at the end of some radio ads. Customers need scarecrow defenses to keep crow-like service providers at bay. Crows spam instead of converse; use “all about me” selfish service instead of generous “all about you” service. The people who front for crow organizations demonstrate indifferent or superficial service that customers view as ho-hum.
Peacock service is attractive and stunning! It is choreographed around what is important to customers. It is social and relational. Peacock organizations select front-line employees who are passionate and inventive. They are forever searching for ways to make their contributions to customers ones experienced as lavish, novel and rich!
Be a peacock to your customers, not a crow!