On the Loss of a Great Mentor

On the Loss of a Great Mentor

“Brilliant” is the word we use to refer to a special kind of genius–the type that profoundly influences others. It is more than someone who is simply intellectual. A genius might be a person with a super high IQ but keeps it locked inside. A brilliant...
Death as a Mentor

Death as a Mentor

It is not my style to tell personal war stories. The recent Boston terrorist attack was followed by some struggling with the decision regarding how best to honor those who were tragically killed or injured. Some said pause; some advised cease; and some believed...
My Greatest Mentor: Part 5

My Greatest Mentor: Part 5

Great mentors have impeccable ethics.  And, my greatest mentor, Ray Bell, taught me the most important lesson of all: teaching is an ethical act!  Effective mentors, trainers and change agents must be clean in their learner-dealings, not false, manipulative, or...
My Greatest Mentor: Part 4

My Greatest Mentor: Part 4

Great mentors find humor in most things. My greatest mentor, Ray Bell, was no comedian! In fact, he was a very shy man. But, he enjoyed a great tease and was as quick to laugh at himself as he was to laugh with others. His humor was innocent and authentic, never...
My Greatest Mentor: Part 3

My Greatest Mentor: Part 3

Great mentors show perpetual curiosity. And my greatest mentor, Ray Bell, was all about curiosity. Daddy asked me questions to which he did not know the answer. That always stood in stark contrast with the experiences I witnessed in many of my friends’ parents....