by wiadmin | Feb 5, 2019 | Customer Loyalty
My very rural hometown was (and is) in the middle of hunting country. And, I lived on a farm deep in the pine woods on the edge of a swamp. As a youngster I hunted dove, quail and squirrel that often wound up on our supper table. I do not hunt today...
by wiadmin | Dec 4, 2018 | Customer Loyalty
“Anyone who’s a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: Is it good? Does it give pleasure?” wrote the late Anthony Bourdain, celebrity chef and host of the TV show Parts Unknown. Innovative service is a blend of these same two...
by wiadmin | Feb 11, 2014 | Customer Loyalty
The origin of Valentine’s Day is very instructive. It was initially associated with a religious celebration honoring St. Valentinus, a priest from Rome who was martyred about AD 496. Two stories (call them myths if you want to be completely accurate) frame the...