Saint Patrick’s Day is a day we honor everything Irish, including the country. There is an old Irish song that contains inspiring lyrics for innovative service. It is the romantic story of how Ireland got its name. “A Little Bit of Heaven” was written by Keirn Brennan and Ernest Ball at the turn of the century and contains the following chorus:
Sure, a little bit of heaven fell from out the sky one day
And nestled on the ocean in a spot so far away
And when the angels found it sure it looked so sweet and fair
They said suppose we leave it for it looks so peaceful there.
So they sprinkled it with stardust just to make the shamrocks grow
‘Tis the only place you’ll find them no matter where you go
Then they dotted it with silver to make its lakes so grand
And when they had it finished sure they called it Ireland.
What does sprinkling your service with stardust look like?
It is Nuriya Mohsen, the laundry/valet at the Ritz-Carlton Buckhead pressing my dress pants in the hour before an important meeting and delivering them to me with a complimentary set of collar stays.
It is Sandy, the waitress in the restaurant at the Park Inn Hotel west of Harrisburg, PA, surprising me with a complimentary go-cup of coffee and declaring it, “our gift to you.”
And, it is Matt Garofalo, owner of Oconee Wine Cellar where I buy my adult beverages, sending me a birthday card since he checks my ID most every time I visit his great store.
We all love stardust moments…they inspire us, they affirm us and they ennoble the relationship with the source of that moment. Now, here is the best metaphor from the old song. Shamrocks are the same color we use to symbolize growth and profits. Not only will innovative service make your customers peaceful, sweet and fair (like Ireland), it will make your bottom line look so grand! Happy St. Patty’s Day!