Jim Blasingame: The King of Diamonds

Jim Blasingame: The King of Diamonds

“Great things come in small packages” is a line often used as a caveat for speaking of diamonds—typically an engagement ring. But, I think it also applies to businesses. The heart, soul and diamond of the U.S. economy come in a small package—the small business. The...
Thanking Customers the Innovative Service Way

Thanking Customers the Innovative Service Way

Most customer relationships don’t end in conflict…most vanilla to death. Neglect is more dangerous than strife; indifference more costly than error. Great relationships are fueled by affirmation. Nurturing the bounty of customer loyalty requires more than proper...
Remembering the Nobility of Service

Remembering the Nobility of Service

Sixteen years ago one of the most beloved books in the field of customer service was published by Jossey-Bass Publishers—Fabled Service: Ordinary Acts, Extraordinary Outcomes by Nordstrom VP and general manager, Betsy Sanders. The book opened with a powerful story...
Who’s your favorite mentor?

Who’s your favorite mentor?

Throughout your life and career, you’ve undoubtedly had a few mentors, even if they weren’t officially given the title. Your parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, pastors. All mentors. I’ve written about a couple of my best mentors: my dad–Ray...