On The Other Side of Innovative Service Basics

On The Other Side of Innovative Service Basics

“When USA Today, Temkin Group, and Business Week all picked Amazon.com as the #1 best service company—an on-line fulfillment company—it’s proof good old fashioned service is dead.” The comment sounded like a “kids are going to the dogs” statement someone’s grandfather...
Disrupting Ahead of Your Customer

Disrupting Ahead of Your Customer

“If I had asked people what they wanted,” Henry Ford is rumored to have said, “They would have said faster horses.” Now, before you fire the market research department, it is important to remember Henry Ford’s arrogance about customers also lead him to chide,...
The Gift of Balance

The Gift of Balance

There’s a bluebird house on an oak tree six feet from our bedroom window. The same pair of bluebirds comes each spring to build, populate, and empty a nest in it. This past spring, their parenting process caused me to reflect on how instructive bluebird flying lessons...
The Tactile Side of Innovative Service

The Tactile Side of Innovative Service

During the 1960’s, except for the Sears Roebuck catalog, store shopping was about the only means for acquiring merchandise.  Well, there was the ice cream truck and Farmer Brown who sold their products through the neighborhood.  But, they only came through on...