Your Customers Like Tortoises Better Than Hares
Aesop was a wise Greek philosopher. His fables gave us life lessons in a fashion far more memorable than our mother’s repeated advice. The fable about the race between the tortoise and the hare was not just about persistence over speed. It was about avoiding arrogance...
Help Your Customers ‘Sharpen Their Claws’
Dr. Stephen Covey listed “sharpen the saw” as one of his seven habits found among highly effective people. It meant staying current, always learning, self-renewal and continually growing physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. It is an important...
What Time Zone is Your Customer In?
Time zones have always been a thinker’s game to me. I still do not really get Greenwich time or how time measurement is really all made up. I do know the birds and squirrels in my backyard get up and start foraging for food at the same time every day all year long...
The Meticulous Creation of Great Service
Every famous beverage—from Dom Perignon to Coors beer—is laced with great stories. Champagne lovers know that a Benedictine monk and cellar master named Dom Perignon was the “father of champagne” and invited his friends over to “taste the stars!” Coors lovers enjoy...
Does Your Service Make Customers ‘Purr?’
A two-week four-thousand-mile road journey over the winter holidays gave our cat a trip to “camp,” as we call the nearby facility where she is occasionally boarded. It is a very nice place that gives her a daily brush-out, lots of TLC, and her favorite activity—tree...
What Chair is Your Service?
It started with a discussion over the duties of a particular committee chair at my church. After twenty minutes of esoteric ballyhoo ranging from “the chair provides order” (not a big worry in my conservative church), and “the chair brings leadership” (we are...
So, What’s Santa Bringing You?
My wife and I are in the middle of brainstorming cool presents for our three granddaughters. We asked them for suggestions. The 11 and 13 year olds took a clipboard and made a list, complete with brand names and model numbers. But, the 9 year old took a completely...
Do You Deliver Knockout Service?
It is December and two beautiful flowers are blooming at my house. A Christmas cactus that only shows its gorgeous red flowers in December, and a large collection of Knock Out roses that bloom red roses all year long. It is like customer service. Sometimes, we deliver...
Majoring in the Minors
The Pareto principle has always been an amazing truism for me. You may know it as the 80/20 rule. It is broadly applied. Eighty percent of the profits come from twenty percent of your customers. Eighty percent of the fleas come from twenty percent of the dogs. I...
Getting Your Customers To Paint
“My right hand shakes a bit as you can see,” he said, as he was serving his plate next to me at the giant salad bar. “But, when I stand at the easel and paint, it does not shake at all.” The author of these powerful words came from a high school classmate at our...
Take Your Customers on a Camping Trip
I am an avid fan of camping. Not the KOA type with too many loud TV’s, barking dogs and kids with no governor on their decibel level. I prefer primitive camping in a tent and sleeping bag in a remote area with no amenities but the ones you bring or create. You are...
Service Without an Upcharge
It was a small gesture. But, it was one that carried a giant meaning. Plus, it was a detail that played out in many ways from start to finish. My wife and I had an early morning breakfast at the Huddle House in Clarkesville, GA, a few miles from our river home. Their...
Where is the Lid on Your Customers?
The volume of a grand piano is determined by more than how hard the pianist presses the keys. The position of the piano lid can impact the decibel level of the sound coming from the instrument. All grand pianos have three positions: closed, half-way open and fully...
Why Fearless Leadership Matters
I am excited to support Flynn Heath Holt in the launch week of their newest publication, the Influence Effect. The following is a guest post from Diana Faison. I once attended a women’s conference that made me realize one very important lesson – I continue to be...
My Tree Guy Goes Barefooted!
Brand loyalty starts and ends with the physical investment of its caretakers. When Ford turnaround CEO, Alan McNally, was CEO of Boeing, he drove a high-end Lexus. But, once his business address changed from Seattle to Detroit, his car preference changed to a Ford....